2021-04-16 (107min)
Tyylilajit: Horror
Tuotantoyhtiöt: Neon, Rook Films
Tuottajamaat: United Kingdom
Als ein tödlicher Virus die Welt verwüstet, begibt sich Dr. Martin Lowery auf eine Mission, um ein Forschungszentrum tief im Arboreal Wald zu erreichen. Die beschwerliche Reise, begleitet von Parkscout Alma, wird durch einen nächtlichen Überfall unterbrochen, der die beiden mit blauen Flecken und ohne Schuhe zurücklässt. Als sie auf Zach treffen, einen Mann, der abseits der Gesellschaft lebt, nehmen sie seine Hilfe dankend an. Zachs Absichten sind jedoch nicht genau das, was sie zu sein scheinen, und ein Weg aus dem Wald und in Sicherheit verblasst schnell, als die Grenze zwischen Mythos und Wissenschaft verschwimmt. In the Earth: Directed by Ben Wheatley. With Joel Fry, Reece Shearsmith, Hayley Squires, Ellora Torchia. As the world searches for a cure to a disastrous virus, a scientist and park scout venture deep in the forest for a routine equipment run. As the world searches for a cure to a disastrous virus, a scientist and park scout venture deep in the forest for a routine equipment run. Through the night, In the Earth is an immersive portrait of tribalism and madness, angst and survivalism. The film builds to an unshakably tense, unsettlingly eerie conclusion. In the Earth (2021) As the world searches for a cure to a disastrous virus, a scientist and park scout venture deep in the forest for a routine equipment run. Through the night, their journey becomes a terrifying voyage through the heart of darkness, the forest coming to life around them. Rent. Rent. Rent. Rent. Powered by JustWatch. "In the Earth" is a film made for midnight showings. It's ominous, brutal, pretentious, and often stirring. Even though some sections feel rushed and it falls apart at the end, every part of it is memorable. Set mostly in gloomy fairy-tale woodlands, where representatives of science are terrorized by forces both human and uncanny, this is a low-budget thriller that carries itself with the swagger of a larger production. IN THE EARTH Teaser Trailer (2021) Ben Wheatley Pandemic HorrorPLOT: As the world searches for a cure to a disastrous virus, a scientist and park scout vent In the Earth is a powerful exercise in low-budget horror craft, whether we're talking about the scenic forest itself or the way in which Wheatley turns the woods into a labyrinthine nest of secrets that keeps revealing new things to its characters and its viewers with each passing minute. In the Earth is an oppressive, bizarre trip of sight, sound, and spore-induced psychedelia. By the time of the First Earth, Grand Experiment, the House of Aln was headed by a winged serpent known as Cobazar. Cobazar is the father of Jehowah. See The 3 Earths, for more on this. The Carians are known for their sharp analytical abilities and organizational skills. About Carin. We at CARIN are advocators of Science and using it to advance health is our calling. We are an assistive, Digital-First Healthcare brand. We believe that technology can be a great leveler and make Quality Healthcare much more accessible. We strive for a better future, for all. A cairn is a man-made pile (or stack) of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn [ˈkʰaːrˠn̪ˠ] (plural càirn [ˈkʰaːrˠɲ]).. Cairns have been and are used for a broad variety of purposes, from prehistoric times to the present.
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